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Easily start a meeting on Google Meet directly from Slack.


As easy as it can be

Start ad-hoc meetings in seconds and share it automatically in 2 seconds.


At the first time you use the meet4slack app you'll have to authorize it to access your Google Calendar. This is needed to start meetings on Google Meet.

Enter /meet

Every time you enter /meet in Slack you'll be presented with a new meeting link. People on the same channel or direct message will be automatically invited to the meeting.


Use the generated meeting link to join the meeting on Google Meet. Google Workspace subscribers can join by calling a local phone number as well.


Learn All About the Advantages that Our System Has to Offer

Add a Title to Your Meeting

When you enter /meet Daily standup then meet4slack will use this text as the title of your meeting. It's easy to keep everyone on the same page by letting them know the topic of the meeting.

Accessible from All Locations

Out in the forest or on the subway with bad coverage? Meeting links will come with a phone number that you can use for joining with audio, even if 4G is not accessible.


(requires Google Workspace subscription)


Pricing Plans

Whether you're a small team of developers, a big multinational software company, or anything in between, meet4slack will have an affordable tier for you.


The service is FREE for teams with 5 or less active Slack users* per month.


It is also FREE for non-profit organizations, charities, libraries and teams who build opensource software.

(Please contact us to check eligibility.)


6-10 active users

active Slack users only*

$5.90 /month
with 50% discount included
for the first 3 months

$11.80 /month after that

Try it for free for 14 days **

11-20 active users
active Slack users only*

$10.90 /month
with 50% discount included
for the first 3 months
$21.80 /month after that

Try it for free for 14 days **

21-50 active users
active Slack users only*

$25.90 /month
with 50% discount included
for the first 3 months
$51.80 /month after that

Try it for free for 14 days **

51-100 active users

active Slack users only*

$49.90 /month
with 50% discount included
for the first 3 months
$99.80 /month after that

Try it for free for 14 days **

All prices in USD.


Even larger team? Contact us for customized pricing.


* We only count Slack users in your subscription who send an invite or receive the meeting invitation sent by someone in the same Slack channel or direct message. Users are only counted once per billing period regardless of how many times they send or receive meeting invitations and how many Slack channels or direct messages they participate in.


** You can use the meet4slack app without making any payments for 14 days. Once you subscribe, the trial period ends and billing starts.


Be in Touch

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Slack is a registered trademark of Slack Technologies, Inc.

Google, Google Meet and Google Calendar are registered trademarks of Google LLC


© 2021 - brought to you by 4DROPS Solutions

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